Represents more than 200 hours of mat time, 90% of which involved me getting my butt kicked. Dorian, Ricky, Chris and Nick got the nod tonight as well. Each well deserved. All four under 23 yrs old. I was the token old guy. Caroline got her Brown tonight. I'm really happy for her.
Now the real fun begins. I'll have a target on my back. Getting through this transition without injury will require that I set aside my ego and go for the ride. Do I have it in me? We'll see. Do I "feel" like I have Blue Belt skills? Sometimes yes, often no. But as they say: The belt only holds your pants up. I continue to trust my Professors.
Just a thought what's your nutrition like, are you getting enough rest. With out building blocks (nutrition) and time (rest) to rebuild ourselves after training and exercise. Us old guys don't bounce back like we used to, so we need to train smarter.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Congatulations.
Thanks Josh! Nutrition could be better, although I'm willing to bet it's in the 80th percentile for mid-30s American men. Have healthy servings of spinach, whole grains, fruits, etc. Rest is a problem when I'm here in New Orleans. Training at night makes it hard to sleep before midnight and make it into the office by 8am. I eat and sleep better when home. I ought to train smarter by taking night off training here and there.
ReplyDeleteNo problem we do what we can us guys with the perfect heads need to stick together. Im new to the bjj blogs and to bloging in genral. Having never realy practiced bjj. I wonder about how much of the injures I been reading about are do to poor nutrition and a core streangh or is just the physicality of bjj?
ReplyDeleteJust some thoughts.
ReplyDeleteOut of interest, what was the promotion itself like? A test, applause and a handshake, belt whipping, getting thrown by the black belts, lots of rolling etc?
With me it was applause and a handshake (which is my preference), but there appear to be a lot of different takes on the whole promotion ritual thing.
It was our annual Christmas party. Short speech by the Professors. Then a handshake. Still not sure if I'll have to run the gauntlet next week. The guys who got promoted last May ran the gauntlet.
ReplyDeleteAs for promotion criteria, not sure. Two of the three Black Belts have to agree. Professor Doc Eddie said last night that his criteria is simple: Blues have to have a grasp of the basics.
I look at it like this: We have a lot of White Belts at our academy and it's been a while since I've been caught by a White. In fact, it was October 23rd when Cleveland caught me with an RNC in the no gi final of the Gracie Barra Compnet. He got his Blue the week after the tourney. Before that it was October 13th when Dorian caught me with an arm bar from back. I catch a few of our Blues regularly and hold my own against most of the others. I feel like more experienced Blues and Purples have to really work for their subs. But the Professors can't possibly know all that, so I suppose they've seen enough to be convinced that, for an old guy, I have a good enough grasp of the basics.
Congratulations. I was promoted to blue just prior to my 40th birthday(took me almost 2years of steady attendance) and it is a great feeling. I just recently started competing and having a blast with it. Remember everyday on the mats is a great day. Technique and maturity will beat strength and ego every time.
ReplyDeleteI'll admit after I received my blue belt I was concerned about being a target especially since a couple of white belts told me I was. But to be honest I grappled no-gi for four years before I ever put on a gi so by the time I became a blue belt (after 9 months of gi training) I almost had five years of experience.
Even though none of the white belts at that gym or any place I've been after that has caught me in a submission if one or a few did I wouldn't be upset. It's the nature of the beast.
Congratulations!! And boy do I understand that "target on the back feeling." And I'll tell you, that feeling only becomes more saturated the more you progress. Such a double-edged sword isn't it?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again Rick. Well Deserved buddy.
ReplyDeleteThe target is ALL self-induced. It's not there if you don't believe it's there. Just saying. :)