Thursday, May 3, 2012

To Cut or Not to Cut...

Woke up 203.8 and weighed 202.2 after a tough round of training today (almost identical in format as Tuesday...except tougher guys on the mat today).  Have to be under 201.0 by 10am on Saturday for Sunday's Grappling X Tourney.  Almost there.

Prior to training I chatted with Master Saulo a bit about the upcoming Master/Senior Worlds in Rio.  (Details forthcoming, but it sounds like a trip of a lifetime and I can't wait.)  I mentioned I'm half way through my cut to make Medium-Heavy for the comp.  He was supportive until I said I have to cut 15lbs between now and the end of July.  Said that's too much to cut because although I may have 15lbs of fat, I need to put on muscle.  And, even if I could cut enough fat and still put on muscle, I shouldn't because he wants me to enjoy Rio.  He says we'll be gorging on acai and Brazilian BBQ leading up to Worlds and told a story of another student who tried to cut and he was miserable on the trip.  

Hmm...  I can't ignore these great words of wisdom.  My plan is to continue eating healthy.  This cut has been great.  I feel terrific and I don't want to revert back to old dietary habits.  Smaller portions, little to no red meat, more fish, less beer, and 10x the veggies.  I also want to retain my cardio routine and resume swimming.  If these new habits, coupled with my existing 2-3x per week BJJ and 2x per week strength and conditioning bring me down to ~180, great.  That would give me 7-8lbs to play with in Brazil.  If I don't drop that much weight, no sweat.  I'll compete at Heavy.

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